
FDA-approved Botulinum toxin, or Botox, is used to reduce or eliminate facial lines and restore a youthful appearance. If you are looking for Botox specials, contact DermaTouch RN today. DermaTouch RN is your go-to Botox Houston specialist.

Botox® in Houston, TX

What is BOTOX FDA-approved for?

The medication Botox was approved by the FDA in 2002. This product is approved for three dermatological uses: treating what’s often referred to as “11”’s between the eyebrows, crow’s feet/lines around the eyes and excessive sweating in the armpits.

What does Off-Label mean?

Off-label refers to the use of a drug or prescription medication for a need other than the condition for which it was officially approved. Make DermaTouch RN your Botox Houston destination of choice for Label and Off-Label uses.

What are Off-Label uses of Botox?

Botox is safe and effective for cosmetic procedures when administered correctly, even though dermatological use is not the origin of Botox’s FDA approval. There is a myriad of Off-label procedures that are considered standard for care.  Among these multiple opportunities for beauty enhancement as well as quality of life is:

  • Correct and adjust eyebrow asymmetry
  • Decrease skin oiliness and the appearance of pores
  • Correction of a droopy nasal tip (referred to as nasal-tip ptosis)
  • Eliminate/minimize bunny lines from wrinkling up your nose

The team at DermaTouch RN has administered thousands of viles of Botox and are a top injector in Houston! Contact us at 281.895.9090 to discuss your Botox options and our Botox specials.

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DermaTouch RN offers minimally invasive and non-invasive treatments for men and women in Houston, San Antonio, Spring and Cypress, as well as the surrounding areas of Texas. We are the largest aesthetic practice in the Houston area, and all of our medical spa treatments are performed by a team of nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and aestheticians who receive continuing education to remain abreast of emerging treatments that benefit our patients. We invite you to learn more about our office before your consultation.
