
What Is Cryolipolysis?

Summertime, summertime, sum-sum-summertime is more than just a catchy phrase from the 1958 hit song by “The Jamies.” It describes the hot-hot season we are smack dab in the middle of. To stay cool most of us are shedding clothing, and wanting to...

Celebrating Women’s History Month

Ladies ladies, step right up! Yes, women everywhere, may we have your attention please?! It’s YOUR day, your week, your year, YOUR month. It really is (literally) time to celebrate yourself and to be your very best, inside and out. March is Women’s...

Fall: The Perfect Time for Laser Treatments

If you live in Texas, it’s pretty much “eternal” summer time EVEN when it is “supposed” to be fall. Though, no matter the season, there’s always a good reason to show your beautiful skin. And, if you live elsewhere where fall is the real...