
BioTE Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Curious about bioidentical hormones? DermaTouch RN is your source for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) in Houston, TX. If you have ever considered trying hormone replacement therapy, BHRT may be right for you.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement in Houston, TX

What are bioidentical hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are an exact replica of hormones naturally produced by the body. Bioidentical and synthetic hormones are both created in labs. However, synthetic hormones are not identical to those created in your body.

What are bioidentical hormones made from?

Unlike synthetic hormones, these hormones are derived from plant sources and are identical on a molecular level to the hormones produced in your body.

How does BHRT work?

Many people suffer from symptoms and conditions related to hormonal imbalances. BHRT can restore the balance of hormones that typically decline as we age. BHRT can be used to replace low levels of progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone to help improve overall health.

What are the benefits of BHRT?

  • Better mood, concentration and memory
  • Improved bone density and reduced risk of osteoporosis
  • Improved cholesterol levels
  • Improved libido
  • Improved sleep
  • Fewer hot flashes and less vaginal dryness
  • Reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease
  • Reduced risk of breast cancer and endometrial conditions
  • Reduced risk of depression

What can I expect during my BHRT consultation?

DermaTouch RN will undertake a comprehensive review of your symptoms as well as medical, family, and personal history. We will also conduct a saliva and/or blood laboratory analysis Following lab testing, a DermaTouch RN specialist will review your results to determine if bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is necessary or could be helpful for you.

Upon determining the condition of your hormone balance and identifying the specific health issues that BHRT can help, a schedule of treatment that can come in oral, topical, or pellet forms. Bioidentical hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid hormones, DHEA, and melatonin may be prescribed.

Who should use BHRT?

Not everyone will benefit from hormone replacement therapy. You’ll need to undergo specific lab tests to determine if you have a hormonal imbalance. If you suffer from any of these signs or symptoms, you may be a likely candidate for BHRT:

  • Depression
  • Hair Loss
  • Weight Gain
  • Muscle atrophy
  • Mood Swings
  • Low energy levels
  • Hot Flashes
  • Night Sweats
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia

When is the best time to begin bioidentical hormone therapy?

Your natural hormones begin to decline after your mid-20s and hormone imbalance symptoms may start showing up by your mid-30s. A lot of our patients start BHRT between the ages of 35 and mid-40. If you have any of the symptoms of hormone imbalance we mentioned above, we recommend you have lab tests done and get treatment as soon as possible based on the lab test results.

How long until I see results of BHRT?

Most of our patients see results and start feeling better a few months after starting a BHRT program, but some may take a bit longer to see results. Sleep patterns and energy levels may begin to improve within a few weeks. Remember, it took some time for you to lose your hormone balance, so it can take your body some time to regain that balance.

Are bioidentical hormones FDA-approved?

Bioidentical hormones that are a compounded mixture are not FDA-approved because each prescription is customized to the individual needs of the patient. However, the hormones are FDA approved and created in the same FDA-approved labs that res used to make the specific mixture of hormones.

Is BHRT Right for Me?

While there are many benefits of BHRT, there can be some side effects, as well. Deciding to start hormone replacement is best done by understanding from the start what health issues you want to address and what health risks there may be.

After a thorough assessment of your health, a DermaTouch RN specialist will advise you on the best treatment plan and discuss any possible side effects. Each bioidentical hormone prescription is custom-compounded to provide treatment based on your individual needs and health goals. Most patients find bioidentical hormones to be safe and effective for relieving symptoms caused by declining hormone levels.



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DermaTouch RN offers minimally invasive and non-invasive treatments for men and women in Houston, San Antonio, Spring and Cypress, as well as the surrounding areas of Texas. We are the largest aesthetic practice in the Houston area, and all of our medical spa treatments are performed by a team of nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and aestheticians who receive continuing education to remain abreast of emerging treatments that benefit our patients. We invite you to learn more about our office before your consultation.
