
Why Now is the Perfect Time for Skin Rejuvenation

As sun kissed skin of summer fades in the forgiving light of fall, now is the ideal time to begin some pre-holiday prep with skin rejuvenating treatments.

Fall treatments perfect time for Holiday party perfection.

Skin rejuvenation today encompasses a host of different types of treatments – from “SkinPen®” to Ultherapy Uplifting Ultrasound.  The most popular, though, this time of year is skin enhancing laser resurfacing.

The fall and winter months are ideal for this type of procedure, as patients are encouraged to refrain from sun exposure both before and after treatments.  The new skin exposed following treatment is particularly vulnerable to the sun’s harsh rays – something that is less concerning heading into fall and winter, when sun intensity and outdoor activity are reduced.

And procedures performed now will ensure beautiful skin in time for holiday parties!

Laser resurfacing treatments target:

  • Sun spots and damage
  • Wrinkles
  • Photo-aging
  • Solar lentigines (pigmented flat or slightly raised lesions that, unlike freckles [ephilis], do not fade in the winter months)
  • Facial telangiectasia (condition causing dilation of the capillaries, which appears as small red or purple clusters)
  • Vascular and pigment irregularities

The most popular areas for skin resurfacing include the face, neck and chest. This type of skin rejuvenation can dramatically enhance the youthful appearance, brightness and texture of the skin – while encouraging the new development of collagen.

Christie Brinkley, the 62-year-old ageless beauty and lifelong model, revealed in a recent interview that while BOTOX® and dermal fillers are a part of her beauty routine, she believes that laser treatments are “miraculous” (New Beauty magazine, Fall-Winter 2016).

The two primary categories into which laser treatments fall include ablative (removes thin layers of skin, prompts collagen growth) and non-ablative (subtly stimulates collagen growth).

Ablative Skin Resurfacing

Ablative skin resurfacing directs short, concentrated pulsating beams of light over the skin, vaporizing skin cells damaged at the surface level and precisely removing skin layer by layer.  The intense heat from the laser causes the right amount of controlled damage to the target area, stimulating the underlying skin and prompting collagen formation.  New smother, tighter skin then forms.

This procedure requires a topical anesthetic, which is applied 30 to 90 minutes prior to treatment.  More intense treatments may also include a mild sedative.  Patients wear protective eye shields during the procedure and receive an anesthetic ointment following the procedure to reduce discomfort.

Non-ablative Skin Resurfacing

The fractional lasers used in non-ablative skin resurfacing use lower energy levels than ablative lasers. During the procedure, a laser head delivering heat into the skin through thousands of tiny, deep columns known as microthermal treatment zones is passed over the treatment area in a series of horizontal and vertical overlapping passes.  Patients may experience a slight prickling or burning sensation during the process.  The heat from the laser promotes collagen production and reduces the appearance of fine lines, though the results are less dramatic as ablative skin resurfacing and multiple treatments may be required.


Aftercare instructions will vary depending on the type of resurfacing procedure you undergo, though protecting the treated skin from the sun is underscored for all.

Recovery for a non-ablative skin resurfacing treatment will be more rapid than an ablative skin resurfacing procedure, which may require two to four weeks to peel and begin to heal.

The best type of laser treatment and number of treatments required will be decided following a thorough consultation with an experienced professional and assessment of the target area(s) as well as overall patient health.  Ablative treatments, in particular, should be administered by a registered nurse experienced with such laser treatments and technology.

About DermaTouch RN

DermaTouch RN is one of Houston’s premier MedSpas providing the latest treatments and technologies in the cosmetic and aesthetic medicine industry.  An Allergan ACE Trainer at Allergan Pharmaceuticals and experienced SculpSure professional, Renee Moschitto RN BSN is the founder of DermaTouch RN and one of the Top Injectors and laser treatment administrators in Texas.  She and her MedSpa team of qualified aesthetic professionals offer the latest laser resurfacing treatments available. They have treated multiple generations within families and are sought by patients both throughout and outside of Texas.  Learn more at


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DermaTouch RN offers minimally invasive and non-invasive treatments for men and women in Houston, San Antonio, Spring and Cypress, as well as the surrounding areas of Texas. We are the largest aesthetic practice in the Houston area, and all of our medical spa treatments are performed by a team of nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and aestheticians who receive continuing education to remain abreast of emerging treatments that benefit our patients. We invite you to learn more about our office before your consultation.
