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Did you know we have a variety of resources to educate our patients on safe practices, top services and products, and more? At DermaTouch RN, we believe it’s very important to keep our clients and consumer informed about the products and services they request, as well as best practices and practices individuals should be wary of.

To keep our clients and consumers informed, we share information in the following capacities, so check them out when you get the chance!

1. DermaTouch RN Website: Not only do we provide the typical products and services listing for our clinic, but we also provide a lot of Q&As about those products and services. We also share industry and DermaTouch news, and you can also learn about our professional staff that receives rave reviews.

2. Weekly Blogs: We post on our blog twice a week and share everything from how-tos and safety tips to information on tops procedures and how they work.

3. Social Media Posts: We keep you up-to-date with news, specials, weekly events, and more on our social media platforms. Like or follow us on any or all of the following:

4. Monthly Newsletter: Sign up for our monthly newsletter to get timely info on our promotions, news, and educational content.

5. In-Office Consultations: One of the best ways to get one-on-one education specific to your skin care needs is to schedule a free in-office consultation. Our staff is ready to answer any and all of your questions to ensure you’re a well-informed client before having any procedures done.

Contact us today to set up your FREE consultation, and find out what our professional and knowledgeable staff can help you with! We’re here to answer all of your questions to the best of our ability.

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DermaTouch RN offers minimally invasive and non-invasive treatments for men and women in Houston, San Antonio, Spring and Cypress, as well as the surrounding areas of Texas. We are the largest aesthetic practice in the Houston area, and all of our medical spa treatments are performed by a team of nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and aestheticians who receive continuing education to remain abreast of emerging treatments that benefit our patients. We invite you to learn more about our office before your consultation.
