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The diVaTyte is helping women restore and rejuvenate their feminity and overall wellbeing. DermaTouch RN is excited to offer this innovative treatment that is one-of-a-kind.


Vaginal Rejuvenation in Houston, TX

 Q. Who is an ideal candidate for the diVaTyte treatment?

A. Women that have had children, are experiencing menopause, or have been impacted by the natural aging process may be interested in a resurfacing treatment to improve the quality of their external vaginal tissue.

 Q. How long does a procedure take?

A. The diVa’s ergonomic design allows for patient comfort and ease of use. Each treatment takes less than 20 minutes.

Q. How many treatments are recommended?

A. The recommendation is 5 treatments 2 weeks apart, followed by 1 treatment every 6 to 12 months.


Vaginal Rejuvenation in Houston, TX

Q.  What do patients experience during the treatment?

A. diVaTyte energy is delivered in a sequence of rapid pulses to gently warm the vaginal skin. The treatment is performed in a motion technique similar to getting a massage. Treatment is typically less than 10 minutes. This ensures the sensation of warmth is uniform throughout the skin. Patients will experience a slight pressure during the treatment. The treatment is fast with minimal discomfort. The skin sometimes swells slightly as the water in tissue is heated. This is a normal reaction and is referred to as “happy edema” as it is a sign that the tissue is responding.

“The diVa aVaginal Rejuvenation in Houston, TXnd diVaTyte treatments are incredible! diVa has given me life again. I am a 36-year-old mother of three. I gave vaginal birth seven years ago to twins—yes, one after the other—and then, a year later, I delivered a 6.5 pounder. Vaginal birth definitely changed the anatomy of my vagina. Before the series of treatments, I was insecure and did not enjoy sex. With each of the treatments, I noticed increment improvements. My sensation has been fully restored. In respect to diVaTyte, I am more confident and the results have improved my sex life dramatically. Thank you!”  — C.S. Snow, 36, DermaTouch RN Patient

Q. What do patients experience in the 48 hours following treatment? 

The warming sensation subsides almost immediately after treatment. There might be some mild redness in the treatment area with a return to normal skin color within an hour. Patients may return to their daily routine with minimal to no discharge, spotting, or discomfort. However, they should avoid sexual intercourse for up to 48 hours.

 Q. Is sedation necessary?

A. No. The laser resurfacing treatment is fast, easy, and completed in an outpatient setting. Topical anesthetic may be applied to increase patient comfort but is not necessary.

Q. What results should I expect?

A. diVaTyte results vary from patient to patient based on body chemistry and number of treatments. The treatment is recommended for patients who desire mild to moderate noticeable skin improvement without having to undergo surgery. Full results of improved skin firming and reduced sagging skin are built around the body’s tissue remodeling process which can take up to four months for the foundation to be strengthened.

Your DermaTouch RN practitioner will consult with you on your level of improvement and personal goals to tailor a treatment regimen to meet your needs.

Q. What is the difference between diVa and diVaTyte?

A. diVa repairs the internal vaginal tissue, whereas diVaTyte repairs the external vaginal tissue. The diVa works by safely delivering non-ablative and ablative wavelengths to the same microscopic treatment zone to support coagulation to the vaginal mucosa. The diVa is the only device available that includes High Precision Automation (HPA) technology to ensure the safest and best treatment outcome for patients. Operators have the ability to customize treatments based on a patient’s symptoms, age, and desired results.

“I was so impressed with my results I am no longer considering surgery.”  — Regina, 62

The first diVa treatment, I was a bit nervous. Even though the procedure had been fully explained to me, I didn’t really know what the laser would feel like. Firstly, the entire area was numbed with a clear gel for about 20 minutes. Then, the diVaTyte laser was inserted, and about 5 to 7 minutes later, it was over. I was surprised that it was so quick and painless. I was given aftercare instruction and went back to work. The next day, the office called to make sure that I was satisfied with my treatment and to ask if I had any discomfort or questions. This was my experience for all three treatments. With each of the three, I didn’t experience any discomfort or downtime, and the results were immediately noticeable.”   –C.S. Snow, 36, DermaTouch RN Client

Vaginal Rejuvenation in Houston, TX

13725 Falba Rd.
Houston, TX 77070



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DermaTouch RN offers minimally invasive and non-invasive treatments for men and women in Houston, San Antonio, Spring and Cypress, as well as the surrounding areas of Texas. We are the largest aesthetic practice in the Houston area, and all of our medical spa treatments are performed by a team of nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and aestheticians who receive continuing education to remain abreast of emerging treatments that benefit our patients. We invite you to learn more about our office before your consultation.
